RAIsonance: Helping to meet the safety, health, and wellness challenges ahead.

RAIsonance Wellness Products Overview, July 2023

ProMedView and RAIsonance have teamed up to bring you cutting edge technology designed to preserve the workforce and reduce medical spend by:

Providing early warnings when the status of the respiratory system is impacted by illness, disease, or environmental exposures.

  1. Supporting users in Long COVID recovery.

  2. Supporting users in quitting smoking or vaping.

  3. Supporting users in managing chronic health conditions such as COPD and CHF.

Note: These products are also available for consumers. Ask about our individual and family pricing.

The following slides provide a comprehensive overview of RAIsonance products and explain how your organization can benefit from this technology.

If you need more information about how we support workforce health and wellness, request a demo below.

Delainne Bond

Delainne Bond, BSN, RN, holds dual degrees in Nursing and Neuropsychology. She is the Principal Consultant with ProMedView, Founder of the covidCAREgroup, and a PRIMA Board Member with the Tampa, Florida chapter.

Recognized as a leader in clinical solutions for complex injuries and illnesses, Delainne has a broad spectrum of clinical experience including Workers’ Compensation, acute and critical care in the hospital setting, occupational medicine, and community health.

In the national Workers’ Compensation arena, Delainne is a CEU Educator, and her experience includes leadership, risk management, catastrophic case management, mass casualty incident response, critical incident management, and provider network development.

Since the event of the pandemic, Delainne has devoted her clinical expertise to researching Long COVID, offering education and resources on a global scale through the covidCAREgroup.

In addition to educating providers, clinicians, attorneys, case managers, and nurses, Delainne has published many articles about Long COVID with ~6 million views in 2022. She runs the largest clinical social media support groups in the world with followers and collaborators including physicians, clinicians, and business leaders from 110 countries.


Understanding Behavioral Health Comorbidities and Their Impact on Disability in Workers' Compensation


SARS-CoV-2–Specific Immune Responses in Patients With Postviral Syndrome After Suspected COVID-19